Healthcare policy in the US in 2024

Healthcare policy

Healthcare policy in the U.S. in 2024 continues to reflect changes and challenges in a rapidly evolving social and economic context. Below is an overview of the key aspects of healthcare policy in 2024, including new reforms, ongoing issues, and future goals.

General Situation of Healthcare Policy

Healthcare policy in the U.S. in 2024 takes place against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has left lasting effects and impacted the healthcare system. Many Americans have struggled to access quality healthcare services, leading to a strong demand for reforms in healthcare policy. The Biden administration has worked to enhance access to healthcare for everyone while protecting and expanding the achievements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Reforms in the Health Insurance System

One of the top priorities of healthcare policy in 2024 is to expand health insurance coverage for citizens. The government has implemented measures to reduce insurance costs for low- and middle-income individuals. Strengthening financial support for states to implement Medicaid and facilitating participation in health insurance programs have been put into action.

The Medicaid Expansion program has been implemented by many states, allowing millions of Americans to access healthcare services. The Biden administration has also worked to reduce insurance premiums and increase support for families through enhanced tax credits for healthcare expenses.

Healthcare policy

Responding to Health Emergencies

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the government to deal with various health emergencies. In 2024, the administration continues to implement measures to protect public health, including vaccination, testing, and treatment. The COVID-19 vaccination program has been expanded with new vaccine types and close coordination with healthcare facilities to improve accessibility.

Additionally, the government has focused on improving the ability to respond quickly to other health emergencies. Investing in research and development of vaccines, as well as preventive and treatment measures for new infectious diseases, has become an important part of U.S. healthcare policy.

Focus on Mental Health

Mental health has increasingly become a focal point in healthcare policy in 2024. The Biden administration has launched numerous programs to raise awareness about mental health, reduce stigma, and expand access to mental health services for the public.

Measures include increasing funding for community mental health support programs, facilitating both community and private healthcare facilities to provide mental health care. The administration has also worked with insurers to improve coverage for mental health services.

Increasing Healthcare Technology

In 2024, there has been a rise in the adoption of technology in healthcare. Telehealth, or remote healthcare, has become an essential part of the U.S. healthcare system. Many patients have been able to access healthcare services without needing to visit hospitals or clinics, thanks to technological advancements.

The government has encouraged healthcare providers to invest in technology to enhance service quality and reduce costs. The development of mobile health applications and personal health monitoring devices has also empowered individuals to manage their health conditions more easily.

Addressing Inequity in Healthcare

One of the biggest challenges facing healthcare policy in the U.S. is the issue of inequity in healthcare access. In 2024, the government aims to reduce this inequity by ensuring that everyone, regardless of social or economic background, has the right to access quality healthcare services.

The Biden administration has implemented programs to improve healthcare services for disadvantaged groups, including people of color, immigrants, and those living in rural areas. Investments in community healthcare facilities and health education programs have been initiated to ensure that everyone can access the necessary information and services.


Healthcare policy in the U.S. in 2024 reflects ongoing efforts by the government to improve public health and expand access to healthcare services. Although there are still many challenges to address, such as health emergencies, inequities in healthcare, and the need for insurance system reform, the Biden administration has demonstrated determination and effort in building a more equitable and effective healthcare system for all Americans. These reforms not only respond to immediate needs but also lay the foundation for a sustainable future in the healthcare sector in the U.S.